Tranquilene® is an all-natural supplement designed to provide FAST anxiety relief, long-term mood support and everyday stress control. Our clinically proven ingredients combine the best in western science with the most effective in eastern herbal medicine, bringing you the safest, most potent formula on the market.
Tranquilene® works daily to keep you calmer and nutritionally equipped to handle the stresses of life.† Tranquilene’s unique formula brings together the best of western science with some of the Eastern world’s most effective herbal mood-balancing remedies for a safe and effective natural anti-anxiety formula.
While our calming botanical blend works to quickly bring down that panicky feeling, our scientifically-formulated Serotonin and GABA support system works with your body to build long-term mood support. And unlike many of the hard drugs pharmaceutical companies push, Tranquilene® is all-natural and non habit-forming.

Your Peace of Mind Shield
With both short and long-term active ingredients, Tranquilene® is your daily mood shield. When we ask customers how it works for them, most say something like: “It makes be better able to handle things that would normally set me off.”
Immediate Relief
FAST Relief For Panic and Anxiety
On the front lines of Tranquilene’s fight against anxiety are the powerful herbal calming agents Ashwagandha, Brahmi and Passionflower.
Passion Flower has a mild but fast-acting calming effect. Ashwagandha and Brahmi (or Bacopa Monnieri) come from the Indian medical tradition of Ayurveda and have been used for centuries to treat anxiety, depression and panic attacks, while sharpening cognitive performance.

Long-Term Mood Support System
The key to why Tranquilene® grows even more effective over time is the combination of L-Theanine, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin D and L-Tryptophan.
These important compounds work with your brain to balance your levels of Serotonin and GABA, the two Neurotransmitters that have the greatest impact on mood.
A Natural Way of Life
ALL NATURAL Ingredients
Tranquilene® is not a harsh pharmaceutical medication. While our ingredients are pharmaceutical grade in quality, they are derived from completely natural sources. We use no artificial fillers, no industrial solvents on our machines and no substitute or low quality ingredients.

Unsurpassed Value and Quality
If you were to buy all 15 ingredients in Tranquilene® separately, the cost would be well over $100 for just a single month’s supply.
We are committed to attacking stress and anxiety from as many directions as possible, at a fair price. Not a milligram of space is wasted in our capsules.
Easy Everyday Mood Support
Lifestyle Convenience
For about a dollar a day you can hop on our Tranquilene® AutoShip Program and never miss a dose. We’ll send you a one month supply each month until you decide to cancel, and we stand by our “no-drama” cancellations policy.
For best results, we recommend taking Tranquilene® for at least four months.

Explore The Ingredients

L–theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, produces a pronounced feeling of tranquility in as little as 15 minutes. L–theanine increases the activity of GABA, a neurotransmitter (natural messenger in the brain) that promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety.
L–theanine also stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for confidence and a sense of well–being.

Gama Aminobutyric-acid (GABA) is an amino acid and the main inhibitory (calming) neurotransmitter in the brain. GABA is a natural calming agent that prevents excessive muscle tension and helps our bodies make endorphins, chemicals that make us feel happy.
Deficiencies of GABA in the brain have been linked to insomnia and feeling anxious, stressed, tense and depressed.

Ashwagandha has been used in the Indian tradition of Ayurveda in health tonics and calming serums.
Recent studies demonstrate that Ashwagandha is an antioxidant that can treat anxiety, depression, panic attacks and phobia.

Tryptophan is the number 1 supplement purchased to fight stress and anxiety. It is an essential amino acid that the body converts into 5-HTP (5-hydroxy-tryptophan), and then to Serotonin.
Serotonin is involved in mood, appetite, sleep and impulse control. Once the Serotonin neurotransmitter is made, the brain is able to convert it into melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, at night.

Passion Flower
For centuries, herbal medicine practitioners have used Passion Flower as a natural remedy for anxiety, stress and insomnia.
Modern clinical studies shows that Passion Flower extract significantly lowers anxiety levels and promotes a more tranquil frame of mind. Studies also indicate that Passion Flower can reduce anxiety-related discomfort caused by withdrawal from opiates and other drugs.

Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri)
Often used by Ayurvedic healers to accompany Ashwagandha, Brahmi (a.k.a. Bacopa Monnieri) is a mild sedative that supports the body during periods of emotional stress.
Traditionally, Brahmi is prescribed to promote healthy cognitive functions, including focus, concentration, mental endurance and memory.
Modern studies have found that Brahmi’s anti-anxiety properties were as potent as those of Lorazepam, with none of the side effects.

Niacinamide, a type of vitamin B3, works with the body to convert Tryptophan into 5-HTP, which can then be converted into Serotonin.
Without B3, Tryptophan–5HTP conversion cannot take place. Common symptoms of B3 deficiency include irritability, poor concentration, anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, apathy, and depression.
We chose niacinamide over niacin to prevent the side effect of red flushing that often occurs when taking raw niacin.

B Complex
Getting enough of the many forms of Vitamin B is essential to maintaining proper brain function.
Vitamin B is involved in the metabolism, as well as the production of Serotonin.
Low levels of vitamin B have been linked to, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, and emotional instability. Tranquilene® contains vitamins B1, B3, B5, B6 and B12.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is widely popularly for its importance in preventing heart conditions, balancing blood pressure, and maintaining strong, healthy bones.
Research now shows us that Vitamin D3 is also involved in the process of converting Tryptophan – a key ingredient in Tranquilene® – into Serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood.
Vitamin D3 helps this process to occur in your brain, where it should, instead of in your gut, where the Serotonin might not be properly utilized.

Magnesium deficiency is one of the leading causes of anxiety and insomnia and the western diet tends to be lacking in this critical element.
Research now shows that as magnesium levels drop, symptoms of anxiety and depression can increase.
Saftey Information
Tranquilene® is safe, natural and usually well tolerated by the body. Most people who take Tranquilene® do not experience side effects. When side effects do occur, they tend to be mild and short-lasting.You can safely take Tranquilene® with all nutritional supplements and most prescription medications.Please consult a physician before taking Tranquilene® if you are pregnant or nursing.Recommended dosage is two capsules taken with water, either both in the morning, or one in the morning and one in the afternoon – as you see fit. It is not recommended that you exceed three capsules at a time or four in one day. Exceeding the maximum dosage is not dangerous, though it may lead to excessive drowsiness.When taken as directed, Tranquilene® is safe and poses no short-term or long-term health risks.
Drug Interactions
Please talk to your doctor before taking Tranquilene® with blood thinners, muscle relaxants, other sleep or anxiety medicines, pain medicines, seizure medicines, or other medicines that cause drowsiness. Tranquilene® may increase the sedative effects of these drugs.Do not consume excessive quantities of alcohol while taking Tranquilene®. Tranquilene® may increase the sedative effects of alcohol.Do not take Tranquilene® if you are currently taking an MAOI or have taken an MAOI within the past two weeks.
Possible Side Effects
While most people taking Tranquilene® experience NO side effects, possible side effects can include: Drowsiness, Fatigue, Stomach upset, Headache, Morning grogginess (if taken before bed), Increased effects of sedative drugs, Lowering of blood pressure.
Feel free to contact Tranquilene® Customer Support if you have any questions or concerns.
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