10 Natural Ways to Alleviate Menopause Symptoms

10 Natural Ways to Alleviate Menopause Symptoms

Sunday, March 8, 2021, marks International Women’s Day. Women are the backbones of the workplace, community, and home. Yet, these warriors must deal with so many obstacles, including uncomfortable menopause symptoms. 

Menopause is inevitable for every woman who has never had their ovaries removed. Since we know this change will come, it’s best to prepare. That way, you can lessen the intensity of menopause symptoms. Here are 10 natural menopause treatments that really work.

1. Avoid Trigger Foods and Beverages

Nutrition is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle. What you eat can make or break how you feel. These sentiments are especially true if you are entering menopause. 

Women’s bodies are incredibly dynamic. Foods that agree with their bodies can turn on them as menopause symptoms manifest. 

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

Common foods to limit:

  • Spicy Foods
  • Baked Goods
  • Red Meat
  • Processed Juices and Smoothies
  • Caffeine

What makes dieting as a menopause natural treatment so challenging is that some otherwise healthy foods can exacerbate symptoms of menopause. 

Usually, spicy foods can curb inflammation, regulate appetite, and improve digestion. However, these foods can turn the dial up when hot flashes hit. 

We all know baked goods add to the waistline. However, carrying excess weight can make menopause more challenging. 

Women’s bones lose calcium as they age, which makes these essential parts of our foundations weaker. This extra weight can worsen pains associated with osteoporosis caused by menopause. 

Grass-fed red meat is healthy in small servings, as it has essential fatty acids that help boost your brainpower, improve skin health, and repair our gut lining. 

However, too much red meat can quickly cause parts of the body to become inflamed. A long-term diet heavily reliant on animal fats can destroy immune cells, hormones, or healthy bone cells. 

Experts suggest no more than 2 1/2 servings of red meat per week. Yet, the average household has at least 4 1/2 servings per week. Many households report having two servings of red meat per day! Try incorporating whole grains, plant proteins, and fish into your diet to offset red meat consumption.

Processed juices and smoothies are a great source of vitamins and minerals. However, they are also laden with artificial ingredients and preservatives, like phosphorus. Phosphorus is highly acidic. Too much of this preservative can degrade the integrity of a menopausal woman’s bones. 

Speaking of acids, you might want to also cut back on citrus-based fruits. While oranges and lemons have many health benefits for aging women, studies show citrus fruits adversely impact urogenital atrophy, which is the shrinking of vaginal and uterine tissues. 

Lastly, lay back on the caffeine intake. Women who experience brain fog, pain, and hot flashes are bound to get agitated. Coffee will only intensify these problems. That’s why I quit coffee myself!

Instead of coffee, drink more tea or water. Add some ions by muddling some berries into your drink. 

Otherwise, go for a run, diffuse essential oils, or take Tranquility Lab’s Focusene. There are many natural ways to energize yourself without worsening your menopause symptoms!

2. Eat Calcium-Rich Foods and Get Vitamin D

80% of people with osteoporosis are women. Furthermore, one out of two women over 50-years-old will break a bone. 

Bones get brittle with age because the body produces less calcium, especially in women. Estrogen hormones help prevent the growth of osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are cells that degrade bones. 

Osteoblasts, which are cells responsible for new bone cell growth, have estrogen receptors. Estrogen stimulates osteoblasts, which helps for better bone reabsorption. 

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

Studies found that calcium in our bones helps trigger these receptors. Calcium is what makes bones strong and solid. So, when osteoclasts and acids destroy bone density, calcium calls on estrogen to help regrow vital bone. 

When this doesn’t happen anymore, calcium in bones is on its own. So, women experiencing menopause should eat foods rich in calcium.

Calcium-dense foods include:

  • Eggs
  • Dairy
  • Seeds
  • Fortified Soy Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Beans
  • Lentils

Unfortunately, calcium is challenging for our bodies to absorb. It requires Vitamin D. Otherwise, your body will only absorb about 10% to 15% of the calcium in your meal. 

Vitamin D is only in trace foods, including:

  • Oily Fish
  • Egg Yolks
  • Liver
  • Fortified Milk
  • Fortified Soy Milk and Tofu
International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

The best way to get your Vitamin D is to go outside. Vitamin D is plentiful in the sun’s rays. In fact, the sun is our primary source of this crucial vitamin. 

Sadly, over two-thirds of the population has a Vitamin D deficiency. Never underestimate the importance of fresh and air sun. Take more breaks outdoors!

3. Eat Phytoestrogens

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that plants and humans have a lot in common. For instance, scientists finally understood that plant compounds in hemp called phytocannabinoids interact with our bodies much as our own endocannabinoids do. 

This same concept is true for estrogen. Some plants have compounds known as phytoestrogens. 

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

Phytoestrogen-rich foods include:

  • Soy Protein (Tofu, Tempeh, Miso, Edamame)
  • Chickpeas (Garbanzos, Falafel)
  • Flax
  • Garlic
  • Berries
  • Wheat Bran
  • Dark Greens

A heavily plant-based diet can help supplement your body’s natural estrogen production. A little botanical boost to your hormones assists your body as you transition to the next chapter in your life. This little infusion of plant-based estrogen can help manage the severity of menopause symptoms

4. Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is one of the most popular natural menopause supplements. It is a perennial herb that has been used in holistic women’s health regularly since the 1950s. 

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

One study involving black cohosh noted that this natural menopause remedy lowered the recurrence of night sweats and hot flashes by 26%!

Another study involving female rats found that black cohosh lowered levels of norepinephrine. This adrenaline-based hormone regulates body temperature. These findings further cement the benefits of this natural herb for hot flushes. 

5. Acupuncture 

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

Acupuncture is growing in popularity as a natural menopause treatment for the various symptoms of menopause. This holistic approach to wellness is very popular in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It uses long needles to probe our body’s meridians and help stimulate the central nervous system. 

Acupuncturists believe that this reaction causes the body to release chemicals along the body’s meridians. These meridians touch all the essential organs. 

Practitioners speculate that these meridians release qi (chi, prana, life energy force) into the organs. This qi promotes homeostasis to anything that might trigger dis-ease. In turn, acupuncture might promote emotional and physical balance. 

One controlled study looked at the benefits of acupuncture for menopause. Compared to the control group, results found that after five weeks, acupuncture improved:

  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Mood Swings
  • Sleep Problems

The study also noted that there is a possibility that these results can be due to a placebo effect. That hypothesis coincides with the Mayo Clinic’s assessment that people who believe acupuncture works will experience the benefits. 

6. Sexual Activity 

A recent meta-analysis looked at the estrogen levels of sexually active women, comparing them to inactive women. Results found that those who had more sex had higher levels of estrogen. 

There is a common misconception that women lose interest in sex when they reach menopause. Their sexual appetite can be the same or intensified. However, their desire to do-so is diminished. 

First, they are low in estrogen. Estrogen is what makes a woman a woman. With low estrogen levels, women might not feel as young or sexy. 

Secondly, sex can become painful. With less estrogen circulating, the vagina receives fewer blood cells. This reaction causes vaginal dryness that can make sex less pleasurable. 

Vaginal dryness is a natural part of aging. Get personal lubricants to help make your sex life more comfortable.

Sex helps create a connection between partners. That will increase your mood and help relax your nerves. Plus, you will get little bursts of estrogen. Combining a healthy sex schedule with phytoestrogens and natural menopause supplements can really help you find balance. 

7. Exercise 

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

Exercise is excellent for the body and mind. As you burn weight, you are putting less pressure on your bones. Therefore, you are less likely to develop conditions like osteoporosis. 

Physical activity also promotes the production of endorphins. These feel-good hormones improve our confidence and help balance mood swings. 

One controlled study looked at the benefits of menopausal women exercising three times per week over a year. The women who exercised remarked vast improvements in their quality of life. Meanwhile, the inactive women’s menopause symptoms “significantly worsened in the control group.”

8. Stress Management

Being a mom, wife, and employee is challenging enough. Now, women must deal with menopause symptoms? That’s stressful! 

Stress is a part of the human experience, even more so for females. Take a moment this International Women’s Day to treat yourself. Do some stress management. 

Chronic stress can cause inflammation throughout the body. Over time, inflammation can degrade healthy cells that influence a woman’s metabolism, hormones, or mood. 

Natural ways to manage stress include:

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause
  • Yoga
  • Guided Meditations
  • Walks in Nature
  • Spending Time with Loved Ones
  • Vacations
  • Essential Oils
  • Distraction Devices (Fidget Spinners, Bubble Wrap Phones, Stress Balls)
  • Adopting A Pet
  • Volunteering 

Stress management is perhaps the most crucial menopause natural treatment. These are tools you can take with you throughout the rest of your life.

Long after you’ve settled into post-menopause, you can use what you learned through stress management to handle pressure-filled situations in real-time. 

9. Bath Bombs and Vitamin E Suppositories 

Self-care goes a long way in natural remedies for menopause. Support your mental and physical health by treating yourself topically. Draw a relaxing bath using ultra-hydrating bath bombs and essential oils.

International Women’s Day
Menopause Symptoms
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work
Menopause Natural Treatment 
Natural Supplements for Menopause

Aromatherapy helps relax the mind because aromatic molecules stimulate our olfactory system. This reaction biohacks our brain. Depending on the essential oils, you can promote a really rejuvenating experience for the mind and body.

Some of the best essential oils for menopause include:

  • Lavender – Relaxes Body
  • Clary Sage – Helps Hot Flashes
  • Peppermint – Stops Cramps and Bloating
  • Geranium – Soothes Skin

A nourishing addition to any skincare routine is Vitamin E. This fat-soluble antioxidant helps promote new skin cells and expedites wound healing. It can also have a significant impact on vaginal atrophy.

One study looked at how Vitamin E suppositories improved vaginal atrophy when compared to estrogen creams. Both were said to be influential in restoring vaginal integrity in post-menopausal women. 

While vaginal creams did show more improvement, results concluded, “Vitamin E suppositories are suggested for relieving the symptoms of vaginal atrophy, especially in women who are unable to use hormone therapy or cope with the associated side effects.”

10. Tranquility Labs’ Estrolene Perimenopause Relief

Tranquility Labs’ Estrolene Perimenopause Relief is one of the best natural supplements for menopause. 

This formula is fortified with a couple of natural remedies for menopause that we’ve already discussed, including Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and black cohosh. 

However, there is much more to this all-natural menopause supplement. Estrolene Perimenopause Relief is enriched with botanicals teeming with isoflavones. 

Isoflavones are phytoestrogens. They bind to estrogen receptors, ultimately improving menopause symptoms. 

This natural menopause treatment includes:

  • Red Clover
  • Magnolia Bark Extract
  • Pueraria Mirifica Root 
  • Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex)

These natural ingredients work in synergy to lower the frequency of hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. This daily supplement will offer you support on International Women’s Day and beyond!

Try Natural Menopause Treatments That Really Work 

Menopause symptoms can hinder an active lifestyle. However, they’re not a death sentence. You can live a high-quality life even if your body is going through monumental hormonal changes. 

Since your body is going through some alterations, your daily routine might have to, as well. Make sure you cut out foods that trigger menopause symptoms, such as spicy foods, processed foods, and too much red meat. 

Also, incorporate more phytoestrogens and botanicals into your diet. These would include soy proteins, dark greens, and natural menopause supplements like Tranquility Labs’ Estrolene Perimenopause Relief. 

You must also find ways to manage stress. These practices can include exercise and talk therapy. However, you might want to melt your stress away with a bath bomb and Vitamin E suppository. 

Whatever you do, it’s International Women’s Day. Take care of yourself by saving 20% on Tranquility Labs’ Estrolene Perimenopause Relief

Essential Takeaways:

  • Eat more phytoestrogens and calcium to help alleviate menopause symptoms. 
  • Exercise and stress management are two essential natural remedies for menopause
  • The best natural menopause supplements include black cohosh, Vitamin E suppositories, Vitamin D, and Tranquility Labs’ Estrolene Perimenopause Relief