10 Holiday Gift Ideas for People with Anxiety

10 Holiday Gift Ideas for People with Anxiety

The holidays are a great time to shower your loved ones with gifts that last. This year more than ever, give the gift of wellness. Here are 10 of the best memorable holiday gifts for people with anxiety and mental health issues that will give them joy all year long.

Why Get Wellness Gifts for the Holidays?

As anyone with anxiety can attest, we would give up all the presents in the world for a better headspace. Part of being anxious is the overwhelming feelings this disorder can bring. 

You become so burdened by your anxiety that you don’t even know where to begin to fix it. Sometimes, it’s best for someone to tell us what to do, rather than doing the research and doing it ourselves. 

This trait doesn’t make us lazy. It’s just part of what anxiety does to our head space. That’s what makes getting gifts for people with anxiety so wonderful. The holiday season is the perfect time to introduce new resources to the anxious person in your life! 

Many of us rely on people to get us presents we don’t want to buy ourselves. For those with anxiety, investing in unfamiliar tools to help your mental health can seem daunting.

Having someone else choose a present takes the guessing out of it. 

10 Gifts for Health and Wellness in 2020 

2020 has had the whole world on edge. Just imagine how heightened this experience has been for a person with anxiety! Luckily, 2021 is around the corner. The holiday season can set us all up for greatness if we have the right tools in place. Here are the top 10 holiday gift ideas for people with anxiety. 

Virtual Yoga and Fitness Classes 

A recent survey about spending habits during COVID-19 found that people were interested in improving their health and fitness. Unfortunately, the top things we spend our money on don’t coincide with our intentions. We’re still paying more money for junk food and smart devices and not enough exercise and whole foods. 

Part of the reason many of us are having trouble meeting our wellness goals is that we no longer have the accountability of a gym membership. Sometimes we need that extra push of a personal trainer or other struggling exercisers in SoulCycle or Peloton. We can still get this motivating experience in our very own homes. 

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Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

Many yoga studios, self-defense dojos, and HITT classes are taking place online. You can still enjoy the community aspect of in-person workouts by livestreaming with the trainer or coach. They can even offer real-time feedback about form and offer encouragement when you’re slacking. 

In some programs, you can see others at their homes, going through the same program. These people are also not pleased with these less-than-ideal circumstances. 

It’s kind of a blend of “misery loves company” and “making the best out of a bad situation.” While these adages seem negative, it’s really meant to draw attention to gratitude. 

These online classes are more than just gifts for health and wellness. It’s a reminder that we’re all going through this together. We’re improvising, and, in the end, we’re all going to flourish! 

Tranquility Labs Mental Health Bundles

There is a lot of crossover between anxiety and other mental health conditions. Depression, insomnia, and severe mood swings coincide with bouts of anxiety. So, treating anxious behaviors can become a two-step approach. 

Tranquility Labs is making getting gifts for people with anxiety easier with our new wellness gift bundles. These gifts for health and wellness pair two complementary products from our catalog of premium all-natural supplements. 

The Anxiety and Mood Support Pack contains Tranquilene and CogniDHA Omega-3 Fish Oil. Tranquilene contains a variety of botanicals, vitamins, and minerals that naturally boost your mood. The entire formula is centered around improving levels of serotonin and GABA in the system. 

This all-natural supplement contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is the precursor to serotonin production. Serotonin improves communication in the brain so that no neurons misfire, causing anxiety. 

To further ensure adequate serotonin levels, this supplement contains Vitamin D3 and a B-Vitamin complex. These essential minerals are critical for the production and metabolism of serotonin.

Tranquilene also contains GABA, our inhibitory hormone. This proprietary blend also has L-Theanine, the amino acid that gives GABA its structure. These important neurotransmitters are fortified with botanicals that help promote calmness. 

fish oil, high dha, mega-3, omega-3s, high dha fish oil, tranquility labs, tranquilene, focusene, sleep fast, brain health, overall health, prenatal health, cognition, health and wellness

CogniDHA improves the overall effectiveness of Tranquilene. It contains essential fatty acids, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). This omega-3 helps curb inflammation in the brain caused by an omega-6 heavy Western Diet. 

Omega-3s also improve blood circulation. That way, oxygenated cells make it to the brain to help promote more effective communication throughout the system. 

The Anxiety and Sleep Management Pack also includes Tranquilene but is supported by Sleep-Fast. As I noted, Tranquilene contains serotonin-boosting compounds. Serotonin is essential for regulating our sleep-wake cycle. 

Also, high levels of serotonin mean less cortisol in the system. Cortisol is one of our primary stress hormones. It helps enact our fight-or-flight instinct, which keeps anxious minds awake all night. 

When we have too much cortisol in the system, our body also produces less melatonin. Sleep-Fast is a non-habit-forming sleep-aid that helps you get back into your natural circadian rhythm.

This all-natural supplement is actually a fast-acting melatonin spray. You can use nightly without any addictive behaviors. When Tranquilene starts doing the trick, you might only need Sleep-Fast when on the really off nights!  

The last bundle of savings is The Ultimate Calm Bundle. This package contains all three of these popular items. It’s the most cost-effective way to improve anxiety. 

Tranquilene is ideal for focus and peace of mind during the day. Sleep-Fast is perfect for getting sleep patterns under control. While, CogniDHA works on healing the brain as a whole, so you can live your best life day and night!

CBD Gift Sets

CBD has grown in popularity over the past couple of years…and with good reason. Hemp-based products are excellent for people who experience anxiety. 

Our cells are equipped with tiny cannabinoid receptors. These receptors interact with every major organ and are also present in the brain. They remain in continuous contact with one another in attempts to achieve one synergistic goal — to promote homeostasis (balance) in the system.

Whenever we are stressed, ill, or inflamed, it creates negative reactions from cannabinoid receptors. The mind interprets these reactions and manifests symptoms that cause us anxiety. 

Sometimes, those symptoms are anxious behaviors! Think about it, if something is causing the body to be off-balance, you’re going to experience a mental imbalance, too. 

The body produces endocannabinoids to soothe these excited receptors. Unfortunately, our bodies are always dealing with a number of stressors at once. In turn, we experience long-term bouts of anxiety. It becomes far too much of a burden for our endocannabinoid system. 

Holiday gift ideas
Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

CBD is the ultimate gift for people with anxiety. It’s non-habit forming and helps improve pain perception, sleep patterns, and immune system. 

If you are making DIY holiday gift baskets, consider throwing in a couple of CBD products based on their needs. Some people love topicals like CBD lotion, while others enjoy edibles like gummies. 

You can also go with reputable brands that sell their own CBD bundles. 

Here are some of the best CBD gifts for wellness by type of CBD:

No matter which type you choose, the anxious person in your life will not experience a high. There isn’t enough THC in full-spectrum products, while broad-spectrum and CBD isolate are THC-free. All they will experience is peace of mind. 

Brain Teasers

An anxious person’s mind can go a mile per minute. Sometimes, it’s best to give it distractions. These “distractions” don’t need to drown out the person’s thoughts. Instead, these holiday gift ideas should redirect them. 

Holiday gift ideas
Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

Rather than covering their streaming subscriptions, go old school and fill their holiday gift basket with some brain teasers. Buy a book with Sudoku, crossword puzzles, or word searches. 

If the anxious person in your life insists they need a screen, consider getting them a subscription for a brain teaser app. Luminosity is wonderful for improving memory and cognitive function. Plus, completing the tasks is rewarding, which creates a surge of dopamine that can offset anxious tendencies. 

Happify is another terrific option. They create games that integrate Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. You play fun activities that also make you look at your decision-making skills and coping mechanisms. With this information, anxious people can make more conscious efforts at improving their mental state and the habits that trigger anxious episodes. 

Exercise Equipment

It’s one thing to pay for a gym membership virtually; it’s another to have all the tools you need to work out at home. With gyms being closed in some parts of the country, it doesn’t hurt to turn a house into a gym.

Exercise is essential for mental health. It curbs disease and inflammation that might be anxiety triggers. However, our body rewards us for exercising by producing feel-good hormones, like endorphins.

Holiday gift ideas
Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

One of the best DIY holiday gifts is a basket of workout goodies, such as:

  • Resistance Bands
  • 8-lb Medicine Balls
  • Yoga Blocks and Straps

Of course, if you have the funds, you can gift a whole workout experience with products like Mirror. Mirror gives you a wall mount mirror that allows you to perform exercise programs with trained experts. 

You can also gift Cycle Anywhere. This app requires a stationary bike. However, you can give your loved one a trip around the world! They can use this virtual program to cycle the Swiss Alps right from the comfort of their very own home! 

Microbiome Tests

It’s become increasingly apparent that a significant number of diseases begin in the gut. That’s why almost 80% of our immune system resides here. 

When we eat foods laden with sugars, allergens, and preservatives, it causes inflammation in the gut. Over a long-term diet, these foods bear consequences. One of the most costly is the degradation of our gut lining. 

The gut barrier protects us from pathogens in our intestines. When we have chronic inflammation caused by diet, stress, and long-term use of medications, it weakens our barrier. This downgrade is known as dysbiosis and allows toxins and solid food particles to enter our system and create even more inflammation!

Holiday gift ideas
Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

Our gut is our second brain. A series of nerves connect them collectively called the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve communicates with bacteria and immune system cells, relaying messages to the brain. This line of communication is known as the gut-brain axis. 

Due to the gut-brain axis, we can experience mental health episodes. Our mind interprets the body is under attack, thanks to the vagus nerve. Therefore, we start to “feel” under attack, mentally. 

Many have turned to probiotics to help regulate the gut-brain axis. Unfortunately, generic probiotics don’t help a lot of people. That’s because there are hundreds of bacterial species in the gut and they all have a unique role. Generic probiotics might have strains our gut doesn’t need. Worse, it might add species that we already have too much of. 

Research confirms that a lack of microbial diversity is strongly related to anxiety. So, we must take the guesswork out of the equation if we’re looking to heal the mind through the gut.

Microbiome testing companies have become popular wellness gifts for people with anxiety. 

Some of the most reputable companies include:

These companies send you everything you need to procure a stool and/or blood sample at home. Some, like Thryve and Viome, will offer you personalized probiotics and diet plans. Meanwhile, Floré looks at other microbes besides bacteria that might be compromising your mental health. 

Genealogy Kit 

For many of us, anxiety is hereditary. Just like with the gut tests, sometimes it’s best to get the guesswork out of the way. Get to the bottom of all of your genetic predispositions by getting to know your ancestors. 

Holiday gift ideas
Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

Some of the top genealogy sites include:

Genealogy tests are excellent for those who have mental health issues associated with disrupted family ties. It can help someone raised in the foster system or grew up segregated from their family figure out where they came from. 

Just this bit of information can change a person’s mindset. Now, they have a sense of belonging. They could put names and maybe even faces to their lineage. Perhaps, they can even get answers as to “why they are the way they are.”

Distraction Tools

One of the most challenging aspects of dealing with anxiety is learning how to channel that excess energy. There are many tools out there that offer up distractions and help redirect anxiety. 

Over the last few years, fidget spinners have become increasingly popular! They’re also the perfect stocking stuffer holiday gift ideas.

If they already have a fidget spinner for anxiety, try one of these wellness gifts:

These tiny products can make a huge difference in your loved one’s life. They’re inexpensive, so you can mix and match to create one of the best DIY holiday gift baskets ever!

Get Your Holiday Gift Basket Together

Holiday gift ideas
Gifts for people with anxiety 
Wellness gifts
Gifts for health and wellness
Holiday gifts
Holiday gift baskets
DIY holiday gifts

Whether you’re doing holiday gift baskets or looking for the ultimate present, this list has everything you need, big or small, for the anxious person in your life. This investment in their mental health lets your loved one know that you care. That’s what the holidays are all about. Help your loved one in 2021 and beyond by getting wellness gifts for people with anxiety. 

Essential Takeaways:

  • Bundles are the most cost-effective holiday gift ideas
  • DNA testing is in this holiday season
  • Brain teasers and fidget spinners are still among the best gifts for people with anxiety